Category: French vocabulary Level 5

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Professional life - Vocabulary

La vie professionnelle

La vie professionnelle In this post “La vie professionnelle” you will learn the most common French terms about the field of professional life. In this first video, you will be able to practice basic words related to professional life and you will be able to pronounce them correctly. Here are some words you will learn:...

The water - Vocabulary


L’eau In this post “L’eau” you will learn about most common French terms about The water. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: l’affluent, le bras de mer, le canal, la cascade, la chute...

L’espace - The space - Vocabulary


L’espace In this post “L’espace” you will learn about most common French terms about The space. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: le météore, l’orbite, l’oxygène, la pesanteur , le satellite, le soleil...