Category: French Readings Level 7

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Attention aux vols

Attention aux vols

Attention aux vols In this post: Attention aux vols – Beware of theft, you will learn about some tips to avoid robberies on the streets. Learn French vocabulary about some words for the places where you may be the victim of a robbery.  Reading : Watch out for theft Ces derniers mois, peut-être à...

L’artiste: un film muet en noir et blanc

L’artiste: un film muet en noir et blanc

L’artiste: un film muet en noir et blanc Learn the reading necessary to describe, L’artiste: un film muet en noir et blanc – The artist: a silent film in black and white, how Michel Hazanavicius made his silent film a reality with the help of makeup artists, technicians, the film was shot in Hollywood. Here...