Category: 7 Dictation
Les membres de la Famille
Les membres de la Famille – Family sentences Dictations had a significant effect on the listening comprehension ability. Practice today the dictation of the family members: Les membres de la Famille and learn more French. Dictation : Family (Sentences) Practice the family members (les membres de la famille) with these sentences: Practice also...
Family members (Sentences)
Family members (Sentences) Learn and practice French dictation: “Family members (Sentences)”. Working in these small dictations. They are an excellent way to improve your listening, comprehension and writing ability. Enjoy the dictation! Practice this sentences using Quizlet: French English Mon Oncle George est le frère de ma mère Ta fille est ma cousine Mon...
French Greetings (Sentences)
French Greetings (Sentences) Learn and practice French dictation: “French Greetings (Sentences)”. Working in these small dictations. They are an excellent way to improve your listening, comprehension and writing ability. Enjoy the dictation! Practice French Greetings using Quizlet Flashcards Dictation : Greetings (Sentences) Practice also French Greetings words here: Do you want to practice another Dictation using more...