Category: French Dictation Level 2
Verbes Irréguliers – Irregular French verbs dictation
Verbes Irréguliers – Irregular French verbs dictation Learn more about French conjugation in this post: Verbes Irréguliers – Irregular French verbs dictation. Some sentences with irregular French verbs are presented. Enjoy the practice! Dictation : Irregular French verbs dictation Do you want to practice irregular verbs? More French dictation? Practice here: Explore More French...
French numbers dictation practice 2
French numbers dictation practice 2 French numbers dictation practice 2: In this video you are going to listen to some french numbers. Write the number in numeral form. The number not the word in french. Feel free to go back and listen again, take your time. Dans cette vidéo, vous allez écouter quelques chiffres en...
Reflexive Verbs Dictation Practice
Reflexive Verbs Dictation Practice In this post: Reflexive Verbs Dictation Practice, you will learn the vocabulary needed to describe, and talk about a daily routine using reflexive verbs in present tense. Here you will learn how to say: I wake up, I get up quickly, I wash my face and hands, I go to bed...
RE verbs imparfait dictation
RE verbs imparfait dictation Practice a French dictation in imperfect tense (imparfait) with the sentences in this post “RE verbs imparfait dictation”. Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with ER verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as...