Places to go (Sentences) Learn the vocabulary needed to describe, and talk about places to go sentences. Here you will learn how to say, I go to the city you go to the office, Andy goes to the school, etc. In this video today we are going to go places to go. Enjoy the dictation!...
Category: French Dictation Level 1
French Question words (Sentences)
French Questions words (Sentences) In this post today we are going to practice sentences about French Question words (Sentences). Write sentences about the questions form. Feel free to go back and listen again, take your time. Learn and practice French question words with these sentences. French question words Dictation: Question words (Sentences) Click in the...
French greetings dictation practice
French greetings dictation practice In this post, French greetings dictation practice, engage in learning French greetings through dictation exercises. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using greetings such as “Bonjour,” “Bonsoir,” and others. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners, it aids in pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Enjoy!...
Days of the week (Sentences)
Days of the week (Sentences) How to say the “Jours des semaines” in French?. Practice the pronunciations using Days of the week (Sentences). Read and repeat the days with these sentences and you will improve your French level. Dictation : Days of the week (Sentences) Read and practice the days of the week with...
French Adjectives (Sentences)
French Adjectives (Sentences) French Adjectives (Sentences): French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns they describe. Learn and practice French adjectives in a dictation with these sentences. Practice the dictation as many times as you need. Just remember that French adjectives need to match in number and...