Category: French Dictation Level 5

Sentences RE verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences RE verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences RE verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation Practice a French dictation in present subjunctive (Subjonctif Présent) with the sentences in this post “Sentences RE verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation”. Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with RE verbs and you will improve and expand your French...

Sentences IR verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences IR verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences IR verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation Practice a French dictation in present subjunctive (Subjonctif Présent) with the sentences in this post “Sentences IR verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation”. Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with IR verbs and you will improve and expand your French...

Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation Practice a French dictation in present subjunctive (Subjonctif Présent) with the sentences in this post “Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation”. Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with ER verbs and you will improve and expand your French...

Bijou et Joujou-French Dictation

Bijou et Joujou-French Dictation

Bijou et Joujou-French Dictation In this French dictation, Bijou et Joujou-French Dictation, you are going to practice French sentences in present tense using object pronouns. French dictations are a great way to improve your listening skills and also practice your French spelling. Enjoy the practice!  Dictation : Jewel and Toy Do you want to...