Category: French Dictation Level 5

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L'hiver Dictation

L’hiver Dictation

L’hiver Dictation In this French dictation, “L’hiver Dictation,” you’ll have the opportunity to sharpen your listening skills by writing sentences from this poem about winter. If you’d like to prepare yourself further, you can familiarize yourself with these key terms using the following related posts: 1. L’hiver – Poésie de Théophile Gautier 2. L’hiver –...


French numbers dictation practice 5

French numbers dictation practice 5 French numbers dictation practice 5 : In this video you are going to listen to some French numbers. Write the number in numeral form. The number not the word in French. Feel free to go back and listen again, take your time. Dans cette vidéo, vous allez écouter quelques chiffres...

Professional life sentences - Dictation

French Professional life – dictation sentences

French Professional life – dictation sentences Join us in this engaging dictation practice about French professional life dictation sentences. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your listening skills, this exercise offers a perfect opportunity to enhance your listening and writing skills. Grab your pen and paper, or simply listen along, as we navigate...


Professional life (words)

Professional life (words) In this post, Professional life (words), engage in learning words about professional life through this short dictation. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French words using professional life such as “Travail”, “Salaire” and others. Perfect for beginners learners, it aids in pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Enjoy!...