IR verbs plus-que-parfait dictation Practice a French dictation in the pluperfect tense (Plus-que-parfait) with the sentences in this post “IR verbs plus-que-parfait dictation”. Dictation is an important activity that will help you improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with IR verbs and enhance your French vocabulary and grammar skills. Enjoy! Dictation : Sentences...
Category: French Dictation Level 4
ER verbs plus-que-parfait dictation
ER verbs plus-que-parfait dictation Practice a French dictation in the pluperfect tense (Plus-que-parfait) with the sentences in this post “ER verbs plus-que-parfait dictation”. Dictation is an important activity that will help you improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with ER verbs and enhance your French vocabulary and grammar skills. Enjoy! Dictation :...