Category: French Conversations Level 3
La docteure et le policier
La docteure et le policier Practice your French Vocabulary with the short conversation: La docteure et le policier (The doctor and the policeman). this little conversation will help you to relate to the French conversations and it easier to communicate. Conversation : The doctor and the policeman Do you want to learn more French...
Petite conversation-Allons au cinéma
Petite conversation-Allons au cinéma Petite conversation-Allons au cinéma: Do you enjoy going to the movies? How to ask you friend to go for a movie? Here you have a short dialogue between two people that will help you to formulate your questions and answer them correctly to find out which kind of film is best to...
Petite conversation : Allons en vacances
Petite conversation : Allons en vacances In this post, Petite conversation : Allons en vacances, here is a brief dialogue between Safa and Faris talking about where they will spend the holidays. This conversation will help you to formulate questions and answer about your vacation. Conversation : Let’s go on vacation More French conversations?...
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