Amir – J’ai cherché

Amir - J'ai cherché

Amir – J’ai cherché

The song “Amir – J’ai cherché” will help you to enhance your French skills. Sing this song as many times as you like and you will see how much you are going to improve. Enjoy the video and learn a lot of French! Good Luck!


Lyrics : J’ai cherché

French English
J’ai cherché un sens à mon existence I searched for a meaning to my existence
J’y ai laissé mon innocence I left my innocence
J’ai fini le cœur sans défense I ended up with a helpless heart
J’ai cherché l’amour et la reconnaissance I looked for love and recognition
J’ai payé le prix du silence I paid the price of silence
Je me blesse et je recommence I hurt myself and I start again
Tu m’as …comme donné l’envie d’être moi You gave me the desire to be me
Donné un sens à mes pourquoi Gave meaning to my whys
Tu as tué la peur qui dormait là You killed the fear that was sleeping there
Qui dormait là dans mes bras That was sleeping there in my arms
You’re the one that’s making me strong You’re the one that’s making me strong
I’ll be looking, looking for you I’ll be looking, looking for you
Like the melody of my song Like the melody of my song
J’ai cherché un sens I’ve been looking for a meaning
un point de repère a point of reference
Partagé en deux hémisphères Divided into two hemispheres
Comme une erreur de l’univers Like a mistake of the universe
J’ai jeté tellement de bouteilles à la mer I’ve thrown so many bottles into the sea
J’ai bu tant de liqueurs amères I drank so much bitter liquor
Que j’en ai les lèvres de pierre That my lips are made of stone
Au gré de nos blessures As we hurt each other
Et de nos désinvoltures And our flippancy
C’est quand on n’y croit plus du tout It’s when we don’t believe at all
Qu’on trouve un paradis perdu en nous That we find a lost paradise within us
Oh, you, you, you, you Oh, you, you, you, you
Tu m’as comme donné l’envie d’être moi You gave me the desire to be me
Donné un sens à mes pourquoi (You) Gave meaning to my whys (You)
Tu as tué la peur qui dormait là You killed the fear that was sleeping there
Qui dormait là dans mes bras That was sleeping there in my arms

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Amir - J'ai cherché

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