


The verb Aller in French in the present tense The final objective of this French post is not to know that conjugation since grammar is always a tool, it is to use the verb Aller in French to be able to greet in a more complete way using expressions like “je vais, tu vas, il va”, etc.

Learn and practice the verb to go in French

Le verbe Aller (Présent)

Présent (French) Present (English) Presente (Spanish)
je vais I go Yo voy
tu vas you go tu vas
il va he go él va
elle va she go ella va
on va one go eso va
nous allons we go nosotros vamos
vous allez you go ustedes van
ils vont they go ellas van
elles vont they go ellos van

QUIZZ 1 : The Verb to go

Aller – TestClick here to complete the test

QUIZZ 2: The Verb to go and to do

Aller et Faire – TestClick here to complete the test

Frenchcircles – Maya

Le verbe présent – alain le lait



Use The French verb ALLER is widely used, as are the ETRE verb and the AVOIR verb. It is used to mean go to a place. Another use of the verb aller is to describe an action that will occur in the very near future (see course on the futur proche in French). This use also exists in Spanish although it is constructed in a very similar way. The only difference is that in Spanish, the preposition of place “A” is added systematically after IR. In French, this is not the case.