AIMER – Conditionnel Présent

AIMER - Conditionnel Présent

AIMER – Conditionnel Présent

Learn and practice French with this conjugation “AIMER – Conditionnel Présent”:
The verb “To like – To love” is conjugated this way in present conditional tense:
Le verbe Aimer Conditionnel Présent se conjugue de la façon suivante:

J’aimerais, tu aimerais, il aimerait, elle aimerait, nous aimerions, vous aimeriez, ils aimeraient, elles aimeraient.


To like – To love – Present conditional Tense

French English
J’aimerais I would like/love
Tu aimerais You would like/love
Il aimerait He would like/love
Elle aimerait She would like/love
Nous aimerions We would like/love
Vous aimeriez You would like/love
Ils aimeraient They would like/love
Elles aimeraient They would like/love

Here some sentences with Aimer:

French English
1. J’aimerais voyager à travers le Canada un jour. 1. I would like to travel across Canada someday.
2. Elle aimerait apprendre à jouer de la guitare l’année prochaine. 2. She would like to learn how to play the guitar next year.
3. Ils aimeraient avoir un chien, mais leurs parents ne sont pas d’accord. 3. They would like to have a dog, but their parents don’t agree.

Do you want to practice more French verbs in present conditional tense? Click on the image of your interest:

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AIMER - Conditionnel Présent

To like – To love – Conjugation

This tense is often used to express a polite request, a desire, or a hypothetical situation. Mastering the conditional form is essential for communicating wishes or hypothetical scenarios in French, helping you sound both fluent and courteous in various social contexts. For example, you might use this form to politely say, “I would like a coffee” (J’aimerais un café) or “They would love to visit France” (Ils aimeraient visiter la France). Practicing this structure will allow you to navigate French conversations more effectively, adding nuance and politeness to your interactions.