French Vocabulary Reflexive verbs
Learn and Practice French Vocabulary Reflexive verbs , “Verbes pronominaux”: s’approcher de, s’arrêter de, se baigner, se blesser, etc. In this quizlet you will learn Reflexive verbs in French. Practice & learn this French vocabulary list.
Reflexive verbs ABCDEFShort video 1 | Reflexive verbs GHILMNShort video 2 |
Reflexive verbs OPQRSTShort video 3 | 27 Reflexive verbsLong video 1 |
Short Video 1
Vocabulary : Reflexive verbs starting with A-B-C-D-E-F
Nro | French | English |
1 | S’amuser | To have fun |
2 | Se brosser | To brush |
3 | Se coucher | To go sleep |
4 | Se doucher | To take a shower |
5 | S’ennuyer | To get bored |
6 | Se fâcher | To get angry |
Short Video 2
Vocabulary : Reflexive verbs starting with G-H-I-L-M-N
Nro | French | English |
1 | Se gratter | To scratch yourself |
2 | S’habiller | To get dress |
3 | S’inquiéter | To worry |
4 | Se laver | To wash yourself |
6 | Se Maquiller | To put on Make-up |
7 | Se nourrir | To feed oneself |
Short Video 3
Vocabulary : Reflexive verbs starting with O-P-Q-R-S-T
Nro/th> | French | English |
1 | S’organiser | To get organized |
2 | Se peigner | To comb |
3 | Se questionner | To question |
4 | Se réveiller | To wake up |
6 | Se soucier | To care |
7 | Se tromper | To make a mistake |
Long video 1
Vocabulary : Verbes pronominaux
Nro | French | English |
1 | Se présenter | To introduce oneself |
2 | S’appeler | To call yourself |
3 | Se réveiller | To wake up |
4 | Se lever | To get up |
5 | Se baigner | To bathe, to shower |
6 | Se dépêcher | To hurry |
7 | S’habiller | To dress |
8 | Se demander | To wonder |
9 | Se mquiller | To apply make up |
10 | Se peigner | To comb |
11 | Se brosser | To brush |
12 | Se blesser | To hurt oneself |
13 | Se souvenir de | To remember |
14 | S’en aller | To leave, go away |
15 | S’arrêter | To stop |
16 | Se fâcher | To get angry |
17 | S’impatienter | To become impatient |
18 | Se moquer de | To make fun of |
19 | Se soucier de | To care about |
20 | Se tromper | To make a mistake |
21 | S’amuser | To enjoy |
22 | Se bronzer | To tan |
23 | S’approcher | To approach |
24 | Se promener | To take a walk |
25 | Se détendre | To relax |
26 | Se reposer | To rest |
27 | S’endormir | To go to sleep |
More Vocabulary for Level 2:
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Reflexive verb GrammarClick here | Reflexive verb DictationClick here |
Reflexive verb ReadingClick here | Reflexive verbs Test Click here |
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