Les pièces de la maison-House rooms

La maison-House

Les pièces de la maison-House rooms

In this post, “Les pièces de la maison-House rooms”, you will discover essential vocabulary to improve your French with a list of objects in the house. Take the time to memorize and repeat these new words and then test your skills by writing them. Take advantage of this opportunity to practice and enjoy learning!

Vocabulary : House rooms

Nro French English
1 La chambre The bedroom
2 La cuisine The kitchen
3 Le salon The living room
4 La salle de bain The bathroom
5 La salle à manger The dining room
6 Le balcon The balcony
7 Le garage The garage
8 Le jardin The garden
9 Le patio The patio
10 La terrasse The terrace
11 Le bureau The office
12 La cave The basement
13 Le grenier The attic
14 La buanderie The laundry room
15 L’entrée The hallway

La maison (House rooms) – Flashcards

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More Vocabulary for Level 2:


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  1. Vocabulary Level 1 
  2. Vocabulary Level 2
  3. Vocabulary Level 3
  4. Vocabulary Level 4
  5. Vocabulary Level 5

French Resources for Level 2:

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La maison-House


House rooms

Dictations in French are a valuable tool to improve your listening comprehension and reinforce your spelling. Seize this opportunity to practice and enjoy learning!