French greetings dictation practice

French greetings dictation practice

French greetings dictation practice

In this post, French greetings dictation practice, engage in learning French greetings through dictation exercises. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using greetings such as “Bonjour,” “Bonsoir,” and others. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners, it aids in pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Enjoy!

Dans cette vidéo, vous allez écouter quelques salutations en français. N’hésitez pas à écouter de nouveau, prenez votre temps.

Short video : Dictation for greetings

Long video:  Dictation for greetings

Dictation : Greetings

French English
Bon après-midi
Hi (informal)
Good morning (formal)
Good evening
Good Afternoon
Bonne nuit Good night (used only when someone is going to sleep or retiring for the evening)

Dictation : Good byes

French Englis
Bonne nuit Good night
Au revoir Goodbye
À bientôt See you soon
À plus tard See you later
À demain See you tomorrow
À la prochaine See you next time
Bonne Journée! Have a good day!
Bonne Soirée! Have a good evening!

Dictation : Basic courtesies

French English
Merci Thank you
Merci beaucoup Thank you very much
Je t’en prie You’re welcome (informal)
Je vous en prie You’re welcome (formal)
Il n’y a pas de quoi It’s nothing
de rien It’s nothing
Excusez-moi? Excuse me
S’il te plaît Please (informal)
S’il vous plaît Please (formal)
Enchanté Delighted
C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer It’s a pleasure to meet you
C’est un plaisir de vous connaître It’s a pleasure to meet you
de même Likewise/me too
Répétez, s’il vous plaît? Please repeat (formal)
Répétez, s’il te plaît? Please repeat (informal)
Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement? Could you speak slower? (formal)
Peux-tu parler plus lentement? Could you speak slower? (informal)

Practice also French Greetings – Flashcards

Practice also French Greetings using sentences here:

Greetings (sentences) - Dictation

French dictation words:

More French dictation sentences:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

French Resources for Level 1:

Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:


French greetings dictation practice