French Expressions Two words

French Expressions Two words

Expressions Two words

French Expressions Two words  is a very good way to improve your French skills. By learning and practicing these French Expressions with two words, certainly you are going to gain new useful vocabulary. Enjoy!

French expressions: Two words

French Pronunciation English
1 Par coeur (par keur) by heart
2 Il faut    (eel foh) It is necessary
3 Ça suffit (sah sü-fee) that’s enough
4 Bon appétit (bohN-nah-pey-tee!) Enjoy your meal
5 bon voyage (bohN-vwah-yazh) Have a good trip
6 À bientôt (ah byaN- toh) See you soon
7 Allons-y! (ah-lohN-zee) Let’s go!

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Expressions françaises Deux mots

Build your confidence up by starting with some basic words and phrases to start building your French word bank:
Madame = Married woman, older woman, Beau = Handsome, Belle = Beautiful, Chat = Cat, Chien = Dog, Fort = Strong
Je m’appelle= My name is, Comment allez-vous?= How are you doing?, Quelle heure est-il?= What time is it?, Pouvez-vous m’aider?= Can you help me?, Combien ça coûte?= How much is this?
French words, reading interesting stories in French, or talking to our native-speaking tutors–so you’ll be ready to have real-world conversations.