Gestion du temps pour l’expression écrite du TEF
In this post, Gestion du temps pour l’expression écrite du TEF, learn how to manage your time effectively for the written expression section A and B of the TEF exam! We will share practical tips and strategies to help you organize your ideas, plan your writing, and finish each task within the time limit. Perfect for anyone preparing for the TEF!
Section A20 min. | Section B40 min. |
Section A :
French | English |
Gestion du temps (20 minutes) | Time management (20 minutes) |
1. Analyse du début de l’article (2-3 min)
2. Planification rapide (3-4 min)
3. Rédaction du texte (6-7 min)
4. Relecture et correction (2-3 min)
Assure-toi que ton texte s’intègre naturellement avec le début donné. Astuce : Si tu manques de temps, priorise un développement logique du sujet, même avec des phrases simples. Il vaut mieux écrire un texte court mais correct que long et rempli d’erreurs. Avec cette méthode, tu seras en mesure d’écrire un texte structuré et pertinent dans le temps imparti. |
1. Analysis of the beginning of the article (2-3 min)
2. Quick planning (3-4 min)
3. Writing the text (6-7 min)
4. Proofreading (2-3 min)
Make sure your text fits in naturally with the given start. Tip: If you’re short of time, prioritize a logical development of the subject, even with simple sentences. It’s better to write a short but correct text than a long one full of errors. With this method, you’ll be able to write a structured and relevant text in the allotted time. |
Section B :
French | English |
Gestion du temps (40 minutes) | Time management (40 minutes) |
1. Analyse du sujet (3 – 5 min)
2. Planification des idées (5 – 7 min)
3. Rédaction des points clés (5 min)
4. Rédaction du texte (15 min)
5. Relecture et correction (10 min)
Cette méthode te permetra de structurer ton argumentation tout en optimisant ton temps de préparation. |
1. Analysis of the subject (3 – 5 min)
3. Writing key points (5 min)
Tips and Ideas for French – List
1. Benefits of learning French
2. Tips for learning French
3. Speaking French Makes You Nervous?
4. 7 Benefits of reading to learn French
5. Mastering French: Overcoming Three Key Challenges
6. 3 Benefits of Learning Another Language
7. How to remember new French words
8. A to G Tips for Learning French
9. Practical tips to improve your French writing
Tips and Ideas for the TEF / TCF exam
1. Mastering the TEF: Essential tips to pass the exam
2. Mastering the TCF: Essential tips to pass the exam
3. TOP Tips for the TEF Written Section A
4. TOP Tips for the TEF Written Section B
5. TEF Oral Comprehension: Strategies for Success
6. Improving Your TEF Oral Expression Skills
7. Time Management Techniques for the Written Section of the TEF Exam
8. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Each TEF Section
9. Get Ready for TEF Listening – Section C
10. Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) in the TEF
Practice more Tips and Ideas: Click on the image of your interest:
Online Free Resource: Click on the image of your interest:
Time management for TEF written expression – French Circles