Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Practice a French dictation in present subjunctive (Subjonctif Présent) with the sentences in this post “Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation”.
Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with ER verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as well. Enjoy!


Dictation : Sentences with ER French verbs 

French English
1.- Il est nécessaire que je trouve une solution. It is necessary that I find a solution.
2.- Il est essentiel que tu manges sainement. It is essential that you eat healthily.
3.- Il est important qu’il écoute attentivement. It’s important that he listens attentively.
4.- Il est bon qu’elle arrive à l’heure. It’s good that she arrives on time.
5.- Il faut que nous changions notre approche. It is necessary that we change our approach.
6.- Il est important que vous parliez de ce problème. It’s important that you talk about this problem.
7.- Il est crucial qu’ils aiment ce qu’ils font. It’s crucial that they like what they do.
8.- Il faut qu’elles préfèrent cette nouvelle option. It is necessary that they prefer this new option.

Click to Learn ‘IR’ and ‘RE’ verbs in the Subjunctive Present Tense here:

Sentences IR verbs conditionnel dictation

Do you want to practice another French Dictation Level 5? Click on the image of your interest:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

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Sentences ER verbs Subjonctif Présent dictation

Sentences ER verbs Subjunctive Present dictation

Additionally, this exercise will help you develop your spelling accuracy and your ability to recognize and reproduce correct verb conjugations in the subjunctive mood. By focusing on ER verbs in the present subjunctive, you’ll gain confidence in using this essential verb form in various contexts, enhancing your overall fluency and comprehension.
Engaging regularly in dictation practice will also sharpen your auditory processing, allowing you to better understand native speakers and respond appropriately in conversations. As you become more comfortable with these structures, you’ll find it easier to express wishes, doubts, and hypothetical situations in French. This will not only improve your grammatical accuracy but also your ability to convey nuanced meanings and subtleties in your speech. Keep practicing, and you’ll see significant progress in your French language skills.