Sentences IR verbs conditionnel dictation

IR verbs conditional present tense - Dictation

Sentences IR verbs conditionnel dictation

Practice a French dictation in conditional tense (conditionnel) with the sentences in this post “Sentences IR verbs conditionnel dictation”.
Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with IR verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as well. Enjoy!


Dictation : Sentences with IR French verbs 

French English
1.- Si j’avais plus de temps, je finirais de lire ce livre. 1.- I’d eat an apple if I was hungry.
2.- Tu parlerais plusieurs langues si tu avais plus de temps. 2.- You’d speak several languages if you had more time.
3.- Il préférerait vivre à la campagne, s’il avait le choix. 3.- He’d rather prefer to live in the country, if he had a choice.
4.- Elle chanterait une chanson si elle avait le courage. 4.- She’d sing a song if she had the courage.
5.- Nous irions au cinéma si nous avions des billets. 5.- We’d go to the movies if we had tickets.
6.- Vous économiseriez de l’argent si vous dépensiez moins. 6.- You’ll save money if you spend less.
7.- Ils répareraient la voiture s’ils avaient les outils nécessaires. 7.- They’d fix the car if they had the tools.
8.- Elles cuisineraient un délicieux repas si elles en avaient l’envie. 8.- They’d cook a delicious meal if they felt like it.
9.- Si j’avais moins de distractions, j’étudierais plus. 9.- If I had fewer distractions, I’d study more.
10.- Si tu avais les moyens, tu voyagerais dans le monde entier 10.- If you could afford it, you’d travel the world.

Click to Learn ‘ER’ and ‘RE’ verbs in the Conditional Present Tense here:

Sentences ER verbs conditionnel dictation

Do you want to practice another French Dictation Level 5? Click on the image of your interest:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

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Sentences IR verbs conditionnel dictation

IR verbs conditional tense