Marjo-S’il fallait qu’un jour

Marjo - S'il fallait qu'un jour - french-songs

Marjo-S’il fallait qu’un jour

The song “Marjo-S’il fallait qu’un jour” will help you to improve your French. Sing this song whenever you want: Learn and Practice this beautiful song.
Marjolène Morin (born 2 August 1953), professionally known as Marjo, is a québécoise singer-songwriter.
Marjo was born in Montreal, Quebec. After singing in two musicals by François Guy, she joined the band Corbeau in 1979, two years after the group was started by Pierre Harel.

Lyrics : S’il fallait qu’un jour

French English
S’il fallait qu’un jour, If one day it happens (it is necessary) that
la vie t’arrache à moi, life pushes you from me,
qui consolerais mes peines? who’d comfort my sorrows?
où trouverais-je la joie? where would I find back happiness
S’il fallait qu’un jour, If one day it happens that
tu t’en ailles loin de moi, you go away from me,
qui guiderais mes pas, who’d guide my steps
moi, qui n’aime que toi. me, the one who loves only you.
S’il fallait qu’un jour, If one day it happens
d’autre mains te câlinent that other hands cuddled you
je courberais l´échine I will turn in two
j’en mourrais je le jure. and I’d die, I swear.
S’il fallait q’un jour, If one day it happens
dans un grand tourbillon, that in a big swirl
tu effaces mon nom, you erase my name,
j’en crèverais je le jure. I would die, I swear.
S’il fallait qu’un jour, If one day it happens
la vie t’ arrache à moi, that life pulls you from me,
qui guiderait mes pas? who’ll guide my steps
moi qui n’aime que toi. me, that I love only you.
Que toi. Only you.

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