3 French Questions – Quiz

3 French Questions - Quiz

3 French Questions – Quiz

The more French vocabulary words you know, the better you can understand and have a conversation in French. In this post, “3 French Questions – Quiz”, you will write 3 French questions and then answer them. Then we are going to use them in a conversation.


Tests for Level 2 – List

Vocabulary Tests 

1. The Colors: Les couleurs
2. Food and Drinks: Nourriture et boissons
3. The Sports: Les sports
4. The animals: Les animaux
5. The body : Le corps
6. The house : La maison
7. The kitchen: La cuisine
8. The bedroom : La chambre
9. The living room: Le salon

Grammar Tests

1. Vocabulary Test : Vocabulaire
2. French Reflexive verbs : Verbes pronominaux
3. Questions personals : Questions Personnelles
4. 3 French Questions – Quiz : 3 questions en français
5. Possessive adjectives Test 3: Adjectifs possessifs
6. Possessive adjectives Test 4: Adjectifs possessifs
10. Compound Past (The preterit) : Le passé composé
                  a) Le passé composé – ER verbs
b) Le passé composé – IR verbs
c) Le passé composé – RE verbs
11. Imperfect tense : L’imparfait
13. French expressions with the verb to have : Expressions avec avoir
15. Quiz Game Test 2: Quiz

Reading Tests

1. Who is Mr. Brown : Qui est Monsieur Brown
2. Mr. Brown’s family : La famille de Monsieur Brown
3. At Mr. Brown’s Office: Au Bureau de M. Brown
4. In Mr. Brown’s Lounge: Dans le salon de Monsieur Brown
5. The house: La maison
6. What time is it?: Quelle Heure Est-il?
7. What awful weather : Quel Mauvais Temps
8. IDad knows everything : Papa sait tout
9. Bleubeard Part 1: Barbe bleue (partie 1)
10. Bleubeard Part 2 : Barbe bleue (partie 2)
11. Bleubeard Part 3 : Barbe bleue (partie 3)

Practice more French Resources for Level 2 here:

Grammar Tests Level 2:

Vocabulary Tests Level 2:

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3 French Questions - Quiz