VOYAGER Passé Composé Learn and practice French with this conjugation: VOYAGER Passé Composé. The verb “To travel” is conjugated this way in Perfect tense: Le verbe “Voyager Passé Composé” se conjugue de la façon suivante: J’ai voyagé, tu as voyagé, il a voyagé, elle a voyagé, nous avons voyagé, vous avez voyagé, ils ont voyagé,...
Month: June 2024
Capsule 24-Cercles de Conversation
Capsule 24-Cercles de Conversation In this post, titled “Capsule 24-Cercles de Conversation,” we present three familiar questions designed to aid in oral preparation for the DELF A2 exam. Whether you’re considering taking the exam or simply seeking to engage in casual conversation, these questions provide a straightforward framework for interaction. Feel free to use this...
Tu viens souvent ici ?
Perfecciona tu pronunciación y habilidad para formular esta pregunta con esta breve sesión de práctica. No dudes en practicar las demás preguntas de la lista. Dentro de este artículo, te enfocarás en la pregunta: “¿Quel est ton nom?” ¿Cómo te llamas? Mejora tus habilidades de pronunciación y formulación de preguntas con esta práctica interactiva. Siéntete...
Seasons (words)
Seasons (words) In this post, Seasons (words), engage in learning the seasons in French through dictation exercises. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using seasons such as “l’été “, “L’hiver” and others. Perfect for beginners and intermediates, helps with pronunciation, spelling and comprehension. Enjoy! Short video...
Weather (words)
Weather (words) In this post, Weather (words), engage in learning the weather in French through dictation exercises. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using weather such as “il fait froid”, “il fait chaud” and others. Perfect for beginners and intermediates, helps with pronunciation, spelling and comprehension. Enjoy!...
Places to go (words)
Places to go (words) In this post, Places to go (words), engage in learning French places to go for a walk through dictation exercises. This practice focuses on improving your listening and writing skills by dictating French phrases using places to go like “La plage”, “Le parc” and others. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners,...