Bonheur dans la vie Learn and practice the French pronunciation with this phrase: Bonheur dans la vie. Visit our website for more French pronunciation exercises. Practice your pronunciation with this interactive video Explanation of the sentence Il n’y a qu’un bonheur dans la vie, c’est d’aimer et d’être aimé Traduction : There is only...
Month: May 2023
Printemps qui vient-Poésie d’ Elodie Santos
Printemps qui vient-Poésie d’ Elodie Santos In this post you will find a poem about Spring by the author Elodie Santos: “Printemps qui vient-Poésie d’ Elodie Santos”. In this poem you will find French words that will help you develop your vocabulary about these spectacular season of the year. Read French poetry on topics you like....
DÉFENDRE Futur simple
DÉFENDRE Futur simple Learn and practice French with this conjugation: DÉFENDRE Futur simple. The verb “To defend” is conjugated this way in Future Simple tense: Le verbe “Défendre Futur simple ” se conjugue de la façon suivante: Je défendrai, tu défendras, il défendra, elle défendra, nous défendrons, vous défendrez, ils défendront, elles défendront. Do you...
Tips for learning French
Tips for learning French In this post, Tips for learning French, you will receive 3 tips that can help you on your French journey. Number 1: Know your motivation, Number 2: Create a schedule, Number 3: Have fun with the language. Which one of these do you do? We recommend to practice the 3 of...