Month: June 2018

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Sympa Sympa is a YouTube channel that wants to bring together the best and the best that can be found on the web in one place. Sympa est une chaine de YouTube qui désire réunir le meilleur et le positif que l’on peut trouver sur la toile en un seul lieu. Voici quelques vidéos: 1....

MANGER Futur simple

MANGER Futur simple


Un voyage en Angleterre - French dictation

Un voyage en Angleterre

Un voyage en Angleterre – Dictation Practice In this post French dictation: Un voyage en Angleterre, you are going to practice French sentences in past, using the compound past tense (le passé composé). French dictations are a great way to improve your listening skills and also practice your French spelling. Enjoy the practice! Dictation :...

French Circles - Dictation

French dictations for beginners

French dictations for beginners Learn and practice your French Skills by working in these small dictations. French dictations for beginners is very important in order to improve your listening and writing skills. French dictations can be a real challenge, but you can expand your knowledge in many different ways. In this post we offer you...

MANGER Imparfait

MANGER Imparfait
