Month: October 2016

Home » Archives for October 2016
Pourquoi tu vis - Jeanette

Pourquoi tu vis – Jeanette

Pourquoi tu vis – Jeanette Jeanette Anne Dimech or Anne Kristof, artistically known as Jeanette is a Spanish British singer who became known at the end with her music Pourquoi tu vis – Jeanette. Janette Anne Dimech (10 October 1951 in London), who performs under the name Jeanette, is an English-born Spanish singer who has...

IR verbs imparfait dictation

IR verbs imparfait dictation

IR verbs imparfait dictation Practice a French dictation in imperfect tense (imparfait) with the sentences in this post “IR verbs imparfait dictation”. Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with IR verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as...



SE BLESSER Présent Learn and practice the conjugation of  “SE BLESSER Présent”: The verb “To hurt yourself” is conjugated this way in present tense: Le verbe Se blesser Présent se conjugue de la façon suivante: Je me blesse, tu te blesses, il se blesse, elle se blesse, nous nous blessons, vous vous blessez, ils se...

COMMENCER Futur simple

COMMENCER Futur simple

COMMENCER Futur simple Learn and practice French with this conjugation: COMMENCER Futur simple The verb “To begin” is conjugated this way in Future Simple tense: Le verbe Commencer Futur simple se conjugue de la façon suivante: Je commencerai, tu commenceras, il commencera, elle commencera, nous commencerons, vous commencerez, ils commenceront, elles commenceront. Practice this verbs...

Sentences IR verbs imparfait

Sentences IR verbs imparfait

Sentences IR verbs imparfait Practice and learn French with these Sentences IR verbs imparfait. Review them and you will enhance and expand your French Vocabulary skills and grammar as well. Enjoy!    Grammar : Sentences IR verbs passé composé Sentences with IR verbs – Flashcards You can also practice  these sentences with IR verbs...



SE REPOSER Présent Learn and practice the conjugation of  “SE REPOSER Présent”: The verb “To rest” is conjugated this way in present tense: Le verbe Se reposer Présent se conjugue de la façon suivante: Je me repose, tu te reposes, il se repose, elle se repose, nous nous reposons, vous vous reposez, ils se reposent,...