Month: May 2015

Le Buffle Prudent

Le Buffle Prudent

Le Buffle Prudent In this post “Le buffle prudent” you will read about le buffle (the buffalo) et le lièvre (the hare), and the race they planned to have to see who is the fastest. They usually argued about that and they want to find out who wins. This reading will help you to learn...

Days French Test

Days French Test

Days French Test Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you practice and test yourself. Take “Days French Test” as many times as you need to and keep practicing. Enjoy! In this page, you will have a test with 4 types of questions. At the end, you can check your answers...

French House rooms - sentences dictation

French House rooms – sentences dictation

French House rooms – sentences dictation Join us in this engaging dictation practice session about French House rooms – sentences dictation. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your listening skills, this exercise offers a perfect opportunity to enhance your listening and writing skills. Grab your pen and paper, or simply listen along, as...

House vocabulary - Test

House rooms French Test

House rooms French Test Assessments are crucial for learning a new language as they provide opportunities for practice and self-evaluation. Take House rooms French Test as many times as necessary to reinforce your knowledge and continue practicing. Enjoy the learning process! Let’s start this French test!  Do you need to practice this French vocabulary?...