Month: May 2015

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Living room French Test

Living room French Test

Living room French Test Assessments are crucial for learning a new language as they provide opportunities for practice and self-evaluation. Take Living room French test as many times as necessary to reinforce your knowledge and continue practicing. Enjoy the learning process! Let’s start this French test!  Do you need to practice this French vocabulary?...

Bedroom French Test

Bedroom French Test

Bedroom French Test Assessments are crucial for learning a new language as they provide opportunities for practice and self-evaluation. Take Bedroom French test as many times as necessary to reinforce your knowledge and continue practicing. Enjoy the learning process! Let’s start this French test!  Do you need to practice this French vocabulary?   More...

Quest ce que tu as fait ce weekend

Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce weekend

Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce weekend? In this post: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce weekend? What did you do during the weekend? On Friday night, after work, I went to dinner with my family, and then we went to the movies…. Are you trying to learn French? “French Circles” presents you this useful conversations...

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