The weather French Test Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you practice and test yourself. Take the weather French test as many times as you need to and keep practicing. Enjoy! In this page, you will have a test with 4 types of questions. At the end, you can check...
Month: July 2014
Les membres de la Famille test
Les membres de la Famille test Tests are an important tool to learn a new language because they help you practice and test yourself. Take Les membres de la Famille test in order to see how is you French family vocabulary level. Before taking this test, we suggest you to practice French Family Vocabulary. Once...
Les personnages de Disney
Les personnages de Disney Les personnages de Disney: In this little reading you will learn some descriptions about the disney characters as Mickey, Donald duck, The beautiful and beast,Pinocchio. Reading : Disney’s characters Questions: 1.- Quel personnage de Disney porte des gants blancs et des chaussures jaunes? 2.- Quel personnage porte une veste...
Elizabeth Personal presentation
Elizabeth Personal presentation In this Post you will find Elizabeth personal presentation. You have a video and a quizlet for practicing a basic small presentation. Start reviewing the flashcards from the quizlet and then feel free to continue with the practice using the other options such us match, learn, test or spell. Enjoy this presentation!...
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