15 Regular French verbs practice

15 Regular French verbs practice - Grammar

15 Regular French verbs practice

In this post, you’ll find 15 regular French verbs practice to enhance your conjugation skills. By watching the accompanying video, you will be guided through each verb’s conjugation, allowing you to follow along and reinforce your learning effectively. This practice is designed to help you improve your fluency and confidence in using these essential verbs in everyday conversation. Enjoy mastering these verbs and take your French language skills to the next level!

15 regular French verbs practice

15 verbes Réguliers (phrases)Click here Mots croisés Verbes réguliersClick here
Verbes irréguliersClick here 15 verbes irréguliers (phrases)Click here 15 verbes irréguliers (practice)Click here

The table below shows the most common 15 regular French Verbs.

French English
RE Verbs
Parler to talk, speak
Travailler to work
Jouer to play
Aimer to love, like
Écouter to listen
IR Verbs
Finir to finish
Réussir to succeed
Choisir to choose
Réfléchir to reflect
Obéir to obey
RE Verbs
Descendre to go down
Vendre to sell
Répondre to answer
Entendre to hear
Perdre to lose

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15 Regular French verbs practice

15 verbes français réguliers à pratiquer