10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know

10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know

10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know

In this post, 10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know, verbs are the heart of every sentence, and these 10 key French verbs will help you speak with confidence! From everyday conversations to movies and news, you’ll hear them everywhere.  

Let’s practice them here.


Grammar : 

10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know

Verbs are the heart of every sentence.
Without them, you simply can’t express actions, feelings, or ideas!
By mastering these 10 verbs, you’ll be able to unlock smoother conversations and build stronger sentences in French.

The 10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know are:
  1. Être – to be
  2. Avoir – to have
  3. Aller – to go
  4. Faire – to do or make
  5. Dire – to say
  6. Pouvoir – can / to be able to
  7. Vouloir – to want
  8. Venir – to come
  9. Prendre – to take
  10. Voir – to see

You’ll find these verbs everywhere: from casual chats to movies, and even in the news!
Here some examples:

Le verbe Être – to be
👉 Tu es d’accord ?
(Are you okay with that? / Do you agree?)

Le verbe Avoir – to have
👉 J’ai une question.
(I have a question.)

Aller – to go
👉 On y va ?
(Shall we go?)

Faire – to do/make
👉 Qu’est-ce que tu fais ?
(What are you doing?)

Dire – to say
👉 Qu’est-ce qu’il a dit ?
(What did he say?)

Pouvoir – can / to be able to
👉 Tu peux m’aider ?
(Can you help me?)

Vouloir – to want
👉 Tu veux un café ?
(Do you want a coffee?)

Venir – to come
👉 Tu viens avec nous ?
(Are you coming with us?)

Prendre – to take
👉 Je prends le bus.
(I’m taking the bus.)

Voir – to see
👉 Je te vois demain.
(I’ll see you tomorrow.)

Now, let’s talk about conjugation !
In French, verbs change depending on who’s doing the action.
That’s called conjugation.

Let’s break some of these 10 verbs in the present tense. Let’s take the verb to be as an example:

Le verbe Être

Je suis, tu es, il est, elle est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont, elles sont

See? Each subject has its own verb form.

Now the verb to do, but in past tense

Le verbe FAIRE

J’ai fait, tu as fait, il a fait, elle a fait, nous avons fait, vous avez fait, ils ont fait, elles ont fait.

Now one more verb, the verb to go, but in future tense


Le verbe ALLER

J’irais, tu iras, il ira, elle ira, nous irons, vous irez, ils iront, elles iront

Now it’s your turn! Try making your own sentences with these verbs and share them in the comments

Grammar Level 3

1. Reflexive verbs:
            a) A daily routine: Une routine quotidienne
            b) Reflexive verbs in past tense: Les verbse pronominaux au passé composé
2. Near future tense:
            a) Definition: Le Futur Proche
            b) Le Futur Proche practice 1: 11 phrases
3. Simple Future tense:
            a) Definition Regular verbs: Le Futur Simple 
            b) Regular verbs: Les verbes réguliers au futur (Test 1)
            c) Irregular verbs: Les verbes irréguliers au futur simple (Test 1)
            d) Le future simple practice 1: 11 phrases 
            e) Le future simple practice 2:  25 verbes
            f) Sentences ER verbs future simple: Phrases ER verbes futur simple
            g) Sentences IR verbs future simple: Phrases IR verbes futur simple
            h) Sentences RE verbs future simple: Phrases RE verbes futur simple
4. Another Verbs: 
           a) Another 15 regular verbs: 15 autres verbes réguliers
           b) Another 15 irregular verbs: 15 autres verbes irréguliers
5. Compound Past  or The preterit – Le passé composé:
            a) Past Participle: Les participes passés
            b) 20 Irregular French past participles: 20 Participes passés irréguliers
6. Imperfect tense – l’imparfait:
           a) Imparfait practice 2: À l’école élémentaire 
           b) Imparfait practice 3: Barbe bleu
           c) Imparfait et Passé composé practice 4: Présent-Imparfait-Passé composé Practice
7. More Prepositions: Prépositions
           a) Prepositions practice 1: Pratique des prépositions 1
           b) Prepositions practice 2: Pratique des prépositions 2
           c) Since, During, For, There is: Depuis, Pendant, Pour, Il y a
8. French expressions with the verb to be (être):
           a) Expressions françaises avec être
           b) To be in the process of – Être en train de
           c) Expressions françaises avec être et avoir
9. Québec French and Metropolitan French: Français québécois et français métropolitain
10. 10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know: 10 verbes français essentiels à connaître
11. The idea of time : L’idée du temps
           a) Anteriority: Anteriorité
           b) Actuality: Actualité
           c) Posteriority: Posteriorité
12. Past Tense Indicators
            a) Indicators for Passé composé
            b) Indicators for imparfait
13. “I have been” in French: “J’ai été” en français.

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10 Essential French Verbs You Need To Know

10 verbes français essentiels à connaître – French Circles


Understanding how to articulate the concept of something occurring after another event is essential for clear and precise communication. We will cover various expressions such as “après” (after), “plus tard” (later), and “ensuite” (then/next), which will help you sequence events and describe actions in the correct order. By mastering these terms, you will be able to tell stories, give instructions, and relate events more effectively. Additionally, we will provide examples and exercises to practice using these expressions in different contexts, helping you to become more comfortable with their application. Whether you are discussing future plans, recounting a series of events, or simply organizing your thoughts, these words will be invaluable in your French language toolkit. Let’s dive in and enhance your ability to express temporal relationships with these essential phrases!

Understanding how to articulate the concept of something occurring after another event is essential for clear and precise communication. We will cover various expressions such as “après” (after), “plus tard” (later), and “ensuite” (then/next), which will help you sequence events and describe actions in the correct order. By mastering these terms, you will be able to tell stories, give instructions, and relate events more effectively. Additionally, we will provide examples and exercises to practice using these expressions in different contexts, helping you to become more comfortable with their application. Whether you are discussing future plans, recounting a series of events, or simply organizing your thoughts, these words will be invaluable in your French language toolkit. Let’s dive in and enhance your ability to express temporal relationships with these essential phrases!