Dr Mrs Vandertramp

Dr and Mrs Vandertramp French Grammar

Dr Mrs Vandertramp

DR MRS VANDERTRAMP is a learning strategy to help French learners remember some verbs which use être as an auxiliary verb.

Dr Mrs Vandertramp

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Dr and Mrs Vandertrampp song

Grammar : the verbs

French English
Devenir to become
Revenir to come back
Monter to climb
Rester to stay
Sortir to go out
Venir to come
Aller to go
Naître to be born
Descendre to descend
Entrer to enter
Rentrer to reenter
Tomber to fall
Retourner to return
Arriver to arrive
Mourir to die
Partir to leave
Passer To pass

The verbs – Flashcards

Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

Dr and Mrs Vandertramp test 1 & 2

More French grammar? Practice here:

Explore More French Grammar Levels: Click on Your Level of Interest:

Grammar Level 1
Grammar Level 2
Grammar Level 3
Grammar Level 4
Grammar Level 5
Grammar Level 6
Grammar Level 7
Grammar Level 8

French Resources for Level 2:

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Use the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP abbreviation to learn the verbs that use the auxiliaire être.
Dr Mrs Vandertramp